

Completion in Gamification We bring out the gamification from innovation and vision.

In forthcoming value, the human-centered gamification will make the maximization and innovation of industrial efficiency.
The fun is critical to gain the interest and time of consumers.

Gamified world with happiness in all life. Korea Gamification Institute connects the ages and generations through gamification for the future of human.

To make the growth and development through gamification technologies and methods in overall industry area,
To conduct the consulting by gamification research, solutions and strategies,
As a global hub, we proceed with the research and business to connect and merge the ages and generations.

  • 화살표

  • 화살표

The destiny of a corporate and its brand can be changed by gamification, making the fun innovation keeping the core value.
We plant fun vision, make inspiration, and provide the courage and belief about can-do.

  • 파트너
  • 파트너
Mission & Value
  • Connecting the ages and generations.

    Rather than temporary short-term connection and performance,
    sustainable connection will solve the problem beyond time and space.

  • Everything can be enhanced by gamification.

    Based on the questions about what drives behavior and why people must behave,
    Korea Gamification Institute makes the sincere philosophy and value through fashion and trend, and grows together.